Sunday, December 26, 2010

making butter

Yesterday I tried to make butter. My neighbor has cows and a nice milk (cows here eat only grass), so my intention was to do butter, then ghee. Well, my first prove don't work, but I will keep trying again, since I get it. I want to make butter!! I want to make ghee!
We had nice days: yesterday a little and relaxed Christmas party with some italian friends (they have a lovely 2 years old girl). A bigger party last saturday (for this party me and P cooked for 2 days!).
Another year is going to end ... time pass so quickly: we really need to enjoy every moment.
I wish you all a nice 2011!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

my practice is getting better

I'm so happy! my practice is getting better every day. I can fell new muscles!
I discover also two very nice blogs:
1- The blog of Napper a nice girl that lives in Mysore. She is a great yogini, amazing! She write about  her Mysore life, practice, etc
2- The blog of Claudia, another great Ashtanga yogini, she practice already many years, very interesting every post she write, please check.
Claudia was the one that write about how many new muscles you can fell when you start to practice every day, how the body get stronger every day. Is this that I'm feeling this last days. I'm feeling stronger with my daily practice and this is very nice.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


today Thanksgiving was celebrate. It's nice to have a date to thank. To thank all the nice things we have in our lifes.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

perfect morning

it's nice to wake up and have a full day to enjoy life.
massage with coconut oil. Yoga practice. Then breakfast with a good cappucino done by my dear P.
a perfect day is starting.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

yoga and getting old

I love the post that my blog friend Ursula  wrote today, by the way her blog is very interesting and inspiring for every yogini. I like one thing that she said:
"Danny Paradise once said in a workshop that we believe that life aggravates with age. This has not to be so. We can get older and we can stay fit but we have to do something. Practicing Ashtanga yoga is a possibility to stay fit. "
I think this is so truth!! getting older it doesn't mean that you should be weak or so, doing you practice every day you became stronger and could have a nice long life, even old.
so, don't forge to do your practice!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Porque e' tao dificil se comprometer com algo? Ter continuidade? Eu quero ter mais impenho com a minha pratica.

Monday, November 15, 2010

do your practice

Do your practice and all is coming .... this are the nice words of our Ashtanga master Patthabi Jois. He is right! All in life come with practice. All the things that you practice every day became better, then I think on a gimnastic, a violin player, a cook, so many other things. And for Yoga it could not be different: is with the practice that you get the really blessing of Yoga.
Little by little, with a daily practice your get confidence, body elasticity, calm, strength.
You just can't come to know Yoga and not practice it. It is impossible.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

pura vida


hoje fomos para a praia com S e M, nossos queridos amigos que vivem aqui na costa rica tambem.
eles tem uma menininha de 2 anos, um amor, nos divertimos muito.
ficamos indignados porem com um tipo que passou correndo com um quad (triciclo), gritamos para que le nao correce tanto mas nem nos escutou, tudo bem...
fizemos uma massa com berinjela aqui em casa, nos divertimos com a pequena S, que amor de menina.
vou dormir!

Friday, November 12, 2010

por do sol em Rajada

hoje fomos ver o por do sol em Rajada, uma praia aqui
perto de casa, muito linda.
Nossa, foi demais!
nada como um lindo por de sol.
para janta eu fiz uma sopinha de abobora com batata (e cebola, xuxu e
cebola), ficou muito gostosa.
eu e P temos comido uma sopa para janta nos ultimos tempos, boa e
leve para a noite.
hoje me levantei 'as 5.30 am e agora estou cansasda, sao 22.00 pm.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

vento, sole

stamattina sono andata al mare con Libi, abbiamo fato un bel giro.
era bellissimo, molto vento.
poi ho fato una lasagna di pesce, molto buona.
le pulizie continuano....

Monday, November 8, 2010

cleaning time

Today I started my Christmas cleaning in our home:
over the wardrobes, the fans, oh my God, everything was
so full of dust. I through away a lot of things, no necessary things.
My and my helper Angela work all day long, just
a break for lunch, I prepared a pasta for us. was good.
now is 5 pm, I'm tired but happy, I will have a good tea and relax.
I can hear the water schhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
in the picture my sweet Libi

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Libi e Aki na praia Coyotera

cha' na casa do Fujimoro

olha que coisa mais linda a casa do arquiteto Fujimoro Terunobu!
quero tomar um chazinho dentro dela. hoje vou sonhar com esta casinha linda.
o dia foi ventoso, vimos "Eat Pray Love" e apezer das criticas negativas que li,
gostei. o livro e' outra coisa, como sempre, mas o filme e' simpatico.
daqui a pouco vou pra cama!!
boa noite mundao veio!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

pastafaggioli con mandioca

stasera preparando pastafaggioli ero senza patate
allora ho messo al posto suo dei pezzi di mandioca.
ho fatto andare la pentola a pressione e poi ho diviso
la mandioca a meta' e tolto il filo che ha in mezzo.
tagliatto a dadi e poi rimessa nella pentola.
e' venuta buonissima, la yuca/mandioca veramente e'
versatile e gustosa.

passeio ao mar

hoje 'a tarde eu e P fomos dar um passeio ate o mar.
levamos Libi e Aki junto conosco.
passamos pela salinas onde vimos muitos passaros.
vimos tambem macacos cara-blanca, um amor.
foi muito lindo.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yuca nostra

questa yuca abbiamo raccolto nel nostro patio.
e' buonissima, ho pulita tutta e quella che non
abbiamo mangiato ho messo in freezer.
la yuca e' buona quanto la patata, anzi, direi
che e' quasi quasi piu buona.

My opal arrived!

I'm very happy, my australian opal arrived!
it is very nice, a rustic stone, beautiful color.
we went to La Cruz to buy food, small rivers along
the road, the rain still coming, it rain a lot the last night and
early morning.
coming back home we gave a ride to two young guys, in the
Today I was reading my Isabel Allende book "La Isla Bajo el Mar",
very nice, I like it a lot.
sky is grey, but my heart is full of sun

Thursday, November 4, 2010

beautiful sad day

despite of the Tomas storm, here in the northest of costa rica the day was beautiful, sunny.
I'm very sorry for the people close to San Jose, the water do many victims.
people that live close to the rivers say that never see so much water at one time.
that's bad...
in the picture, flowers of the entrance of our home, sorry, I don't know the name

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

nuvens no ceu

hoje o dia e' cinzento, estamos no fim da estaçao das chuvas e parece que mais chuva esta por vir.
eu gosto da chuva. aqui onde moramos na costa rica e' gostoso porque mesmo com o ceu cinzento e previsao de chuva e' sempre
calor. a vida e' bem mais simples com o calor, menos roupa, menos sapato, etc
vivi muitos anos na europa e o inverno nao acabava nunca, muitos meses de frio.

a aventura do meu blog continua ....